live out love

This is the heart and soul of our community. We are a gathering of people growing to love God, love all people and follow Jesus togetherWe know that the life that Jesus Christ wants us to take to the world starts with us.
So, as a church, we live as a community of faith gathering together, growing in life through fellowship, prayer, singing, and the study of God’s Word that leads us to be people who are going into our world.
We have a strong sense of community with one another and our neighbors. Adults and kids of all ages are encouraged to learn about their faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide.
our culture
Pray always.
Learn from God’s Word.
Worship in Spirit and Truth.
Live out the love of Jesus.
Partner with others to make a difference.
we seek to bring honor and glory to God by worshiping Him as we encourage and care for each other.
we seek to bring honor and glory to God by studying and practicing the radical way of Jesus.
we seek to intentionally, creatively and prayerfully engage, serve & befriend the least and he lost to lead them to Jesus.
what we believe
In the essential beliefs we have unity,
in non-essential beliefs we have liberty,
and in all our beliefs we show charity
What’s a free methodist?
Steve Glei
lead pastor
Tammy Walker
administrative assistant
Frances Heires
worship director
Catherine Glei
children’s pastor
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8:30am -4pm
Friday: 8:30am -12pm